Monday, November 9, 2009

How To Install Laundry In Apartment

Objective: to save 6,000 euros per year (III). Gasoline

How have you been the target? "You notice any improvement in the household economy? We still have many tips to help achieve the goal. Today we'll talk about how to save EUR juicy when refueling.

- Check online at the website of the Ministry service stations with lower prices, but you move around 15 miles to save a penny per liter, which lose money.
- Fill the tank first hour, the atmosphere and soil temperature is lower and the density of fuel is lower. I will spread more per liter.
- Pulling the trigger on the handle, do not ever stop. Choose more slowly and less gas originating and these again the supplier.
- do not put gasoline when just downloaded a tanker.
- No let your tank go below half. Gasoline evaporates, and more , less evaporation equivalent. (Total savings when refueling 30 euros)

- If you go with public transport ... do not hesitate (if not a taxi because you will drop the eyebrows). Think gasoline, car maintenance, parking fines ... (30 euros)
- Scroll walking. Campaign 2 miles a day, replaced the car by walking 2,000 meters a day. Your health will notice ... and your pocket. (5 euros)

- Go ahead and anticipates what will happen in the circulation; no sudden accelerations or braking can save 15% fuel. But do it in advance or additions because you play it. (20 euros)
- The car does not consume if you let go with a long march without accelerating (in neutral pint burns at the time). Circuits with high-speed, because, at the same speed in fourth consumes 10% less than in third and fifth 20%. (15 euros)
- Outside the roof the roof and remove all unnecessary stuff (and heavy) of the trunk. (5 euros)

- No air conditioning it consumes 20% less. If it is not essential, do not put and never do it with the thermostat below 24 degrees. Avoid driving with the windows down if it is not essential (15 euros)
- Monitor the tire pressure . Little swollen wheels increase consumption by 10%. (10 euros)
- Watch speed. Never drive over 120 miles per hour, if traffic permits, do it under 100. The consumption soars from those speeds and you think to arrive 2 minutes before you leave a lot of euros on the road. (10 euros)

Well, so far our advice on petrol. Soon, we will discuss how to save eating out or using different means of payment.
You know: do not stop until you get to retain our pockets 6,000 euros per year.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Are Elfa And Rubbermaid Configurations Compatible

Objective: to save 6,000 euros per year (II). Water and computers

How have you been the target 6,000? It is difficult, but some euro sure you have already "scratching." Let the second part of this report dealing with savings we can get (without too much effort) in computers and water. Computer

- Shut off the computer when you go to use it for at least an hour . I know that after costing two or three minutes to connect again, but the energy savings is substantial. Consuming sole screen. Always apply screensaver in black and after 2 minutes of non use.
- Connect the printer only when you go to use it.
- There are programs that help control energy consumption computer. Once installed, we will give our preferences and he will manage consumption (off screen, external hard drives ...). It can be downloaded free on the Web Edison. (15 euros per month on electricity from our computer)

- We all feel sympathy for the daily paper, but times change. Almost all newspapers have digital edition and most reporters and columnists have their own blog. We will miss the leaves unfold in front of the coffee ... but the euro is the euro. (30 euros)
- Use the printer paper on both sides . (5 euros)
- downloads (legal) are virtually endless. Why spend money on games, for instance, if you can get free on the Internet? Search this site: AhorroDiario and Journal Wkr. The savings can be achieved from a few dollars to thousands, according to various landings we make books, music, photography, recipes, travel guides, learning languages \u200b\u200b... and everything you can think of, always legally.


Although when we pay the bill seems to face, unfortunately the water that comes out of our taps is very cheap. I say unfortunately because we tend to waste and, in the not too distant future, the environment we come back around and we all regret. However, you can always scrape a receipt euro.

- Unless you sick no other choice, never bathe, you can shower always (and is not necessary to do three times a day because, ultimately, our skin suffers.) Put a low cap while showering and with the rest of the faucets in the house. No need to burn with water and temperate cold shooting despajará us much better in the morning. Nor is that we use more water that was lost while filling reaches the desired temperature cubes can then be used to scrub the floors, watering plants or to replace the water in the toilet.

- off the tap while shaving or brushing your teeth . This alone can save 10,000 liters year. (Total savings on water bill 15 euros)

So much for saving tips for today. Within a few days will continue the third of these deliveries. We have to get 6,000 euros save!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Cervix Position Too High

Objective: to save 6,000 euros per year

We are in times of crisis and we all want lower costs and savings be available "just in case" . That, of course, if we have not had the misfortune of falling into unemployment, in which case the cost reduction becomes an obligation.
However, we all likes to live well so we set ourselves a challenge: save 6,000 euros per year without reducing our quality of life, only by removing or reducing unnecessary expenses. Some of these costs are high, but others just involve a few dollars, already, but as I said the announcement "cup to cup ...."

not going to give you tips on how to lower the mortgage payment or even find cheap travel bargains in the sales. For that and there are other websites that do the world of good. Our goal is to limit to record a series of modest, everyday expenses, but that ultimately can make a difference.
addition, many of these tips get a twofold: economic and energy savings . Therefore, our planet will thank us too.

Several of these tips are listed in the online journal XLSemanal , but we've culled from other publications and experiences. Let
it. For starters, let's get some sheets of paper and a pen. Better yet, start saving, surely the school books of our children are some to which they have been the final number of blank sheets. We have to write to to get our expenses. Now, we will give suggestions, mark those that believe they are feasible. We have put in savings per month, always trying to pull it low. Sumadlas all, have you reached 500 per month? Perfect and if not, the insurance amount is also respectable.

One last tip: if aprovecháis notepad to keep track of expenses, you will have acquired a habit that will save you thousands of dollars over your life and it is very laborious to do.

- Do not download ringtones or ringback tones and screen savers mobile. Do not participate in any contest of the TV or your favorite singer votes. (20 euros)
- There limiters for mobile consumption of your children. Teenagers have no restraint and thus, become more responsible. (25 euros)
- Head over again prepaid card. You better regulate spending. (25 euros)
- If you have broadband at home, using the Messenger, Skype, Google Talk and others. You can go almost all the free calls, even video conferencing. (30 euros)

Electricity - 95% of cases, use the program cold wash in the washer. (10 euros)
- The dishwasher is always full and hand washing prevents . (10 euros)
- The oven only for occasions. Order to thaw and reheat. Always look through the door every time you open it lost 20% of the indoor temperature. (20 euros)
- clothesline. You lose time relative to the dryer, but it saves electricity. (20 euros)
- When the refrigerator and freezer more than three millimeters of ice Thaw. The refrigerator has 30% of total household consumption, so avoid opening the door. (10 euros)
- Use larger pots and pans to the cooking area. Top pans while cooking. (10 euros)
- Wherever possible, use the pressure cooker . (10 euros)
- Turn off the oven, ceramic and even the plate minutes before the end to harness the residual heat. (5 euros)

"Tell goodbye to incandescent bulbs. Change them all at once or as they are based on the low power consumption. 9 euros worth more, but each one saves more than a euro a month. Each household has an average of about 25. (40 euros)
- Air conditioning always 25 degrees and heating to 20. Well insulated doors and windows so you are not escaping or cold or heat. (30 euros)
Within days, publish the second part of this report: "Objective: save 6,000 euros "

Monday, July 20, 2009

Non-hodgkin's Lymphoma Pain In Leg

Sell your old mobile phone with Autogas

We all happens: the battery of your mobile phone says stop or get a discount on our phone company, or simply get tired of the old relic that we have in the bag and we moved mobile. But what to do with the old?
Finding a green dot to get rid of it, unfortunately, is quite complicated and throw it in the normal trash is practically a crime green because they contain highly polluting elements, so we left in a drawer in our house until find a good home for him.

This may change. The company Zonzoo managed through its website an initiative so that we can rid a "decent" of our old mobile phone. The mechanism is simple: enter the company website, we sell and they are responsible to collect them our home.
No, not a joke. I'm not kidding.

Zonzoo is responsible for buying mobile phones in use, both individuals and companies. Once in their workshops, check the model and condition and we enter in our checking account value.
5 percent of the value of each mobile reusable NGOs intended to help preserve the environment, as well as providing assistance to disadvantaged people. These are freely chosen by the owners of the phones when they close the sale of your phone on the web. also are committed to recycle cell non-reusable.

These mobile "recycled" are intended for developing countries with the aim of extending the useful life of these terminals and help eliminate tons toxic waste.
This initiative is conducted in collaboration with NGOs. So far, they have joined the campaign: Development and Assistance , Messengers of Peace, Fundación Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente , CODESPA , Terre des Hommes , ALSO Foundation, SOS Foundation , Mundi Plastic Surgeons, Sports and Development and Junior Achievement Foundation.

not you want to cheat: I guess what they pay for each phone must be a ridiculous amount, but, as I imagine, The goal of the campaign is different: take away a junk off, does not pollute the environment and help the most disadvantaged (I think, rather, they should be giving away).

Monday, June 8, 2009

How Doi Clean A Alumium Trailer

Cars: save 700 euros per year

After several months of drying out completely, it seems that car sales are starting to move. The arrival of good weather and, especially, plans to encourage the purchase offered by the government, state government and manufacturers begin to move the market. Many are those who, after stretching the old to the absolute limits, we will see the need to change cars.

Have you thought about what car you buy? I guess like everyone else: a utility that consumes little. Does Diesel or petrol? Difficult choice. It always depends on the miles you have to do.
However, there is a little known alternative: Autogas. What is? Very simple: automobile fuel ceases to be petrol or diesel and becomes Liquefied Petroleum Gas, better known by its initials LPG.

Here in Spain is practically unknown, but it is the third most consumed fuel in the world, with nearly 13 million vehicles adapted for use , and of these, seven million roll on European roads.

"Advantages? Enough. For starters, your price: 45 cents a liter, less than half the gas! (although it should be noted that consumes a little more, about 10-11%).
further advantage that its emissions are considerable: a 15% less carbon dioxide (CO2) and reduced by 95% of nitrogen oxides (NOx) . Also released no particles like those emitted by diesel engines, which are carcinogenic. In return, if it produces more carbon monoxide (CO) a traditional engine.

drawback? Two in particular. The first is that there are few service stations that dispense gas, there are currently only 33, but this year it will open another 30. However, this will change quickly, as if they roll today on English roads 3,000 vehicles fueled with LPG, is expected that by 2012 this figure to reach the 60,000 (Italy circulate 1.5 million cars Autogas, France 200,000, another 180,000 in the UK and 150,000 in Germany).

The other drawback is the preparation of the car : must be adapted to use Autogas. If we buy the new car, and there are some brands that offer fully adapted their models as Chevrolet.
But this should not pose any dilemma: any petrol vehicle (either new or used) may be adapted to use gas. The transformation is essentially the addition of an additional deposit from 70 liters, but only filled to 80% or 57 liters, which takes the place of the spare wheel (if no other site available) and an expansion valve and replacing some hoses, because the gas is more corrosive than gasoline.

does this transformation? Between 1,500 and 2,000 euros , but beware, it is fully covered by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving of Energy ( IDEA), which provides grants of up to 2,000 euros to bring new vehicles and 400 euros for those already enrolled.

There are even manufacturers like Volvo that cars sold in some countries have already integrated gas deposits, keeping the fuel, thereby having a range of more than 1,000 kilometers. To switch from one fuel to another, simply click a button even in full swing!

As always, do numbers. For a car to do 20,000 miles a year, at 1 euro a liter of gasoline and an average of 8% (with Autogas consume 10%), a year can save around 700 euros. Not bad and above, contribute to improving the environment!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

How Many Floors Does The Treasure Island

Save $ 100 per year in detergents and softeners

For over 100 years in Western countries, the only advances in cleaning and washing our clothes have come from the hand of the chemical industry: detergents and softeners increasingly powerful to leave our clothes cleaner and shiny. However, not everyone has been so: in the eastern countries have been studied and obtained better results with the application of negative ions with great power, antibacterial and disinfectant. So, instead of chemical means have been developed by physical means.

all know the "nuts washing" Indian. The fruits of the tree "Sapindus Mukorossis" replace perfectly within the traditional laundry detergents. However, its massive use is causing massive deforestation in several countries.

long time now hear of the "magic balls" washing. some plastic balls loaded into the interior of natural ceramics and magnets of the advertising promises, placed inside the drum of the washing machine, replace the detergent and fabric softener. Ecomadres
Since we did not want to talk about them to have been fully tested and the result, after more than a month of use, there can be more satisfying: not one ounce of soap or fabric softener and laundry is clean and without odor.

's not magic, but is developed within the drum a very simple physical process: negative ions break up the combinations of hydrogen from water molecules (neither more nor less than what cause detergents) giving the water a great ability to penetrate and weaken the adherence of dirt and increasing washing power.

Okay, let's not scientific rolls. What are the benefits?
- For starters, disappear allergic risks that some people have a detergent residue that can not go on clothes after washing.
- To remove chlorine from the water gets to clothes will not fade and maintain the elasticity .
- Ending the obstructions that cause detergents in the pipeline.
- not litter our rivers, lakes and seas .

- repurchase No detergents or fabric softeners. Currently, every wash we assumed a cost of between 25 and 30 cents, according to the detergent and fabric softener to buy. Assuming we put the washing machine once a day, after year we will have saved over a hundred euros . The effectiveness of the ball is about four years , so when we got rid of it will we save a few hundred euros . Not bad when you consider its price around 30 euros!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Yamaha Receiver Hdmi No Sound

Save with white markings and the "super" cheaper

purchases products food, drugstore and grooming take an important part of our monthly budget. In these times of crisis, stretch out the life of our vehicle, we will not wear the latest fashion or we will not go to dinner with friends, but we can hardly escape buy these staples . Therefore, finding the best price is essential to make ends meet without suffering strain.

bombard us daily through advertising, with all sorts of deals. But where can we go to really save?
According to the second wave of data from the Observatory of Retail Prices, for the first quarter, the ranking teach pricing gives the following ranking: cheaper prices as a whole, can be found in Alimerka chains and spare me, followed by Mercadona . The classification continues with Maxi-Day, Carrefour, Supersol, Sabeco, Carrefour Express, Eroski Eroski Caprabo and -center, the highest being those found in Supercor, Hipercor and El Corte Ingles.

And do not believe that the differences are small: in the supply of foodstuffs between the various channels prices may vary up to 31% . On packaged food, the differences ranging between 13% and 45% and in the case of fresh produce, the price changes reach 69% in fruits and vegetables, fish 59% and 48% in meat . As you can see, the differences can be vast.
Also important is the price difference as in the city where you live: there is a difference of up to 18% in the basket of food between l as cities with the lowest prices (Avila, Orense and Teruel) and cities with the highest prices (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, San Sebastian and Gerona).

Another way savings, which you all know, is buying the called "brand". Price differences with traditional brands can easily exceed 30% . However, a large proportion of the population remains wary of these products, especially because know who are the manufacturers of the items . Some retail chains include clearly on the packaging of its products who is the manufacturer, but others just put the CIF or medical record number from your provider, causing a clear distrust among the buyers.
Personally, only buy brands in clearly showing who has made article, but if you should buy additional price in which is not listed, you can find out who manufactured it in consulting.
References in this directory are collated on the Web English Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition , as an agency under the Ministry of Health and you can find two types of classifications: one with major distributors to the references sold in alphabetical order with the manufacturer of each and another with a list of brands that do not manufacture for others.
Also, for those who doubt the quality of the second brand, we can find a list of secondary brands packaged identical to the first brands offered.

Finally, a simple mathematical calculation: 3X2 by offering a 33% saving us with the "2 nd unit at half price" savings is 25% . However, there is always advisable to first, because it forces us to buy more and spend more money at once and thus may interfere with the monthly budget.
By the way, if you have to buy on credit and overdraft interest is great, forget this kind of offers, because in the end, you will be much more expensive.

As experts say, the best way to save is to buy the offers that appear in each supermarket chain, but only offers . The downside of this system is that you can take all day and nobody buying spare time.

What I recommend is that if we do not spend too much gasoline in the movement to go shopping. Apart from the prejudice caused to the environment, what is the point save two euros on the purchase if we have to move twenty miles to do it?
Also remember that, whenever possible, buy products from nearby your home. In its transport be contaminated mucho menos que si viene de la otra parte del mundo.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bell's Palsy Phentermine

Save $ 500 and burned 100,000 calories a year

Empieza a cambiar el tiempo. Los fríos parece que ya han pasado y los días soleados se imponen poco a poco. Comenzamos a quitarnos ropa de abrigo y, como todos los años, los que aparece debajo no nos acaba de gustar. ¡Otra vez nos sobran unos kilitos!
Lo que viene a continuación lo conocemos sobradamente: fuera las comidas pesadas, alimentación más equilibrada, algo de ejercicio y a enfadarnos todos los días con la dichosa báscula.

Sin dejar de lado ninguna de estas soluciones, este año podemos contribuir a alcanzar desired figure few tips that we do not involve a lot of effort and, above, will help us save a few euros and contribute to environmental conservation .
We assume that the calories consumed each day, as prescribed by specialists and depending on the physical activity we conduct, ranges between 2,000 and 2,500 .
Suppose we left home an average of four times a day. Let's change of habits: instead of pressing the elevator button, go down the stairs on foot and on coming, not to use either the lift . The results, assuming that it took a couple of minutes to complete the round, are as follows: the lower, 8 minutes and 7 calories per minute equals 56 calories climbing, 8 minutes and 13 calories per minute equal to 104 calories. A total of 160 calories a day. Or what is the same, 7% of total intake daily. If we count every month, we will have consumed about 5,000 calories a couple of days of consumption of calories!

And the energy savings? An elevator spends every working minute that 4 bulbs of 60 watts for one hour. With the route indicated above, we operate the lift about eight minutes a day (the elevator is waiting for us at the door of our house, halfway vacuum does), or two kilowatts daily, about 40 cents (before taxes) or 12 euros monthly . Okay, the electricity consumed by the elevator pay the residents, but who pays to the community? If all the neighbors do the same ...

We went outside. Studies show that more than half of the inhabitants of a city made trips about three or at most, five miles to go to work, go to the clinic, shop or visit family, to give a examples.
To make them, if we use the average car takes about 20 or 25 minutes. We can not do for less, we'll have to go get the car parked two blocks from our house, swallow a dozen red lights and, worst of all, find parking at the destination. If we do twice a day this way (12 km) and assuming that we spend about 20 cents per mile (not to count only the gasoline consumption), the end of the day we will have spent about two and a half euros Some 60 per month (minus holidays) and 750 a year . All this without counting what the car can cost us if we do not have choice but to use it (about 1.5 euros per hour) or even worse, fines for parking in prohibited place.

Now suppose we make these trips on foot. It will take something between 30 and 40 minutes, but will gain peace of mind and our physical will notice, on each trip will consume 150 calories (not walk very fast) or 600 daily. Over 13,000 a month! The equivalent of 5 days of food.
And if we can not lose time, have you thought about using the bike or skate? With the bike will take even less than the car and if we do the four paths with it, consume about 300 calories a day . And the cost will remain near zero. With skates, burn up to twice the calories than the bike.
Evidence, because if they are bearable, you can even start thinking about selling that second car for families who use small movements and in this case, saving trips . Even taking a taxi once.

Okay, I agree with you. We can not always take the lift or not the car. but we do only half of the time we managed to save around 500 euros and burn the equivalent calories for a month and a half.
Not bad. If we can save up to share the gym that costs us go with God's help twice a week!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Overnight Trip From Dallas

Save more than 700 per year in gasoline Save

The car's fuel consumption is always a topic that brings us head. One of the biggest annoyances is to check that the needle marks and the reserve tank, a sign that we have to go to the gas station. Agree that, ultimately, the price has fallen (though never enough) and no longer what it was, but also a matter of get by the gallons of gasoline on the road.

The best way to save is to not take the car (zero consumption, of course) but as this is often impossible, here are three tips that will make us a bit lower consumption. our pocket and the environment will thank us.
We will take the example of a midsize car, with an optimal consumption (combined highway and city) of 8% that do, approximately 15,000 km per year. The price of gasoline it will establish a euro per liter.

One reason that the bill significantly increases the speed. The vehicles tend to consume the minimum circulating in long march and 90 km away from speed. From there, the consumption increases with the extra kilometers squared . Ie from 100 km / h to 120 km / h (an increase of 20%) translates into an increase of 44% in consumption. Almost nothing!

We must also combine it with the gearbox. There must be accelerated to increase over the place and, if the engine does not suffer, we carry a gear as high as possible to lower the engine speed . Adding
both concepts, we can save about 500 per year . It's worth five minutes before leaving home and not to rush down the road, right? Where

be a peak is in the air conditioning . With the air conditioning
post, the car consumes about 20% more fuel . Nor is it a matter of Asarnan inside the vehicle in summer, but a few little tricks will help us reduce that amount.
should always travel at a constant temperature (between 20 and 24 degrees). Raise and lower the temperature inside the car alone causes the compressor work harder. In midsummer it is advisable to open the windows before setting the air conditioning, and outside air is lower than that of the interior has been exposed to the sun and no ventilation.
Once we put running, the air conditioner will not full and that all we will get (while not lower the temperature) is to consume more. When we get to the highway will close the windows (can make them open the same amount of air conditioning more than having the post) and put the internal recirculation . Thus, the air delivered to the compressor is already colder than you come from abroad.

In winter, just not worth it started putting the heat to go. The engine is cold and all you get, until the temperature rises, is spending more. Also be aware
the window heat. With it enabled increased consumption in miles per gallon.
With these tips we leave half the consumption, so that we can save (thinking that more than half of those miles with the air conditioner will post) a $ 200 annual .

Finally, although in this case is less burdensome, is the weight of the vehicle. Specifically, we're going to lay down weight we carry in the trunk . I have seen many drivers do not remove all year round umbrella, chairs and beach mats. What does this achieve? Well, when we go shopping we do not fit anything in the trunk y. .. consume more.

is estimated that for every twenty kilos more, consumption increases by 1% . Not much, I know, but why would we want to carry a toolbox that if I would like the plumber in my neighborhood if after repair we will not know anything about the motor, being all electronic? or why do we need an oil can of 5 liters if the car today does not leak oil? And the five-liter jug \u200b\u200bof antifreeze or a gallon of windshield washer fluid?
Adding, adding, in the end we get forty or fifty kilos more than make us a precious tenths increase in our consumption every hundred kilometers.

When buying a car, we usually pass a budget when choosing to eat less. It'll save you the time! With a little care will achieve consume less even with the car that, at first, spending more. And always, respecting the environment.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Brazilian Wax Men Detroit

700 per year for heating. Save $ 3,000 annual

winter already have well developed, but still not too late to save a few euros into energy.
Did you know that heating accounts for 41% of energy consumption in a home? But beware of consuming all year and that used only during the cold months.
Therefore, if we save a few euros and contribute to the environment, the first action we perform has to be related, necessarily, with heating.

To make the calculations, we assume what is considered an average consumption of 175 euros a month and continued use of six months a year.
First of all, how many degrees you have to be my home? Experts recommend a 20 degrees during the day and 17 evening . But let's not go crazy watching the thermometer constantly, the best thing is to install a reliable thermostat. And will get him our house is always at the ideal temperature. Only with this detail, the saving means 10% of the invoice. Ie 20 euros per month or 100 a year .
For every degree over the temperature of our home, consumption increases by 7%. That is, if we temperature at 22 degrees daytime and 19 night, we will pay 14 euros more per month and 70 per year.

To ventilate the house is enough with 15 minutes a day and always with the heating off. It is also appropriate to lift the blinds on sunny days to warm up naturally our home.

Between 25% and 30% of our heating needs are due to heat losses arising in the windows and doors . An outrage.
We need to improve the insulation. How? For although it seems a lot of work, we have to plug the drawers of the blinds, put weatherstripping on doors, improved glazing ... avoid any actions that we may miss the tickets through the windows.

The double glazing keeps 50% of heat loss, the thermal protection insulating glass 40% and capping joints and cracks provides 10% additional energy. A fully insulated home uses 50% less heating . Returning the example on 90 euros per month and more than 500 a year .
I know you will think that all this is very nice, but then you have to pay. If indeed the task of isolating well a home can be expensive, but the payback is very fast. Besides, there are autonomous regions and municipalities (as in Madrid and Basque Country ) that subsidize much of the work. Consultation within government.
A home that meets all these requirements uses 50% less energy in the home have the same temperature than one that does not comply. Adding
all these actions we can approach the 700 euros of annual savings . I think that the amount is significant enough to warm a little head, do not you think? Besides, we must not forget our contribution to environmental improvement.