How have you been the target 6,000? It is difficult, but some euro sure you have already "scratching." Let the second part of this report dealing with savings we can get (without too much effort) in computers and water. Computer
- Shut off the computer when you go to use it for at least an hour . I know that after costing two or three minutes to connect again, but the energy savings is substantial. Consuming sole screen. Always apply screensaver in black and after 2 minutes of non use.
- Connect the printer only when you go to use it.
- There are programs that help control energy consumption computer. Once installed, we will give our preferences and he will manage consumption (off screen, external hard drives ...). It can be downloaded free on the Web Edison. (15 euros per month on electricity from our computer)

- We all feel sympathy for the daily paper, but times change. Almost all newspapers have digital edition and most reporters and columnists have their own blog. We will miss the leaves unfold in front of the coffee ... but the euro is the euro. (30 euros)
- Use the printer paper on both sides . (5 euros)
- downloads (legal) are virtually endless. Why spend money on games, for instance, if you can get free on the Internet? Search this site: AhorroDiario and Journal Wkr. The savings can be achieved from a few dollars to thousands, according to various landings we make books, music, photography, recipes, travel guides, learning languages \u200b\u200b... and everything you can think of, always legally.
- Use the printer paper on both sides . (5 euros)
- downloads (legal) are virtually endless. Why spend money on games, for instance, if you can get free on the Internet? Search this site: AhorroDiario and Journal Wkr. The savings can be achieved from a few dollars to thousands, according to various landings we make books, music, photography, recipes, travel guides, learning languages \u200b\u200b... and everything you can think of, always legally.

Although when we pay the bill seems to face, unfortunately the water that comes out of our taps is very cheap. I say unfortunately because we tend to waste and, in the not too distant future, the environment we come back around and we all regret. However, you can always scrape a receipt euro.

So much for saving tips for today. Within a few days will continue the third of these deliveries. We have to get 6,000 euros save!
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