Friday, February 27, 2009

Overnight Trip From Dallas

Save more than 700 per year in gasoline Save

The car's fuel consumption is always a topic that brings us head. One of the biggest annoyances is to check that the needle marks and the reserve tank, a sign that we have to go to the gas station. Agree that, ultimately, the price has fallen (though never enough) and no longer what it was, but also a matter of get by the gallons of gasoline on the road.

The best way to save is to not take the car (zero consumption, of course) but as this is often impossible, here are three tips that will make us a bit lower consumption. our pocket and the environment will thank us.
We will take the example of a midsize car, with an optimal consumption (combined highway and city) of 8% that do, approximately 15,000 km per year. The price of gasoline it will establish a euro per liter.

One reason that the bill significantly increases the speed. The vehicles tend to consume the minimum circulating in long march and 90 km away from speed. From there, the consumption increases with the extra kilometers squared . Ie from 100 km / h to 120 km / h (an increase of 20%) translates into an increase of 44% in consumption. Almost nothing!

We must also combine it with the gearbox. There must be accelerated to increase over the place and, if the engine does not suffer, we carry a gear as high as possible to lower the engine speed . Adding
both concepts, we can save about 500 per year . It's worth five minutes before leaving home and not to rush down the road, right? Where

be a peak is in the air conditioning . With the air conditioning
post, the car consumes about 20% more fuel . Nor is it a matter of Asarnan inside the vehicle in summer, but a few little tricks will help us reduce that amount.
should always travel at a constant temperature (between 20 and 24 degrees). Raise and lower the temperature inside the car alone causes the compressor work harder. In midsummer it is advisable to open the windows before setting the air conditioning, and outside air is lower than that of the interior has been exposed to the sun and no ventilation.
Once we put running, the air conditioner will not full and that all we will get (while not lower the temperature) is to consume more. When we get to the highway will close the windows (can make them open the same amount of air conditioning more than having the post) and put the internal recirculation . Thus, the air delivered to the compressor is already colder than you come from abroad.

In winter, just not worth it started putting the heat to go. The engine is cold and all you get, until the temperature rises, is spending more. Also be aware
the window heat. With it enabled increased consumption in miles per gallon.
With these tips we leave half the consumption, so that we can save (thinking that more than half of those miles with the air conditioner will post) a $ 200 annual .

Finally, although in this case is less burdensome, is the weight of the vehicle. Specifically, we're going to lay down weight we carry in the trunk . I have seen many drivers do not remove all year round umbrella, chairs and beach mats. What does this achieve? Well, when we go shopping we do not fit anything in the trunk y. .. consume more.

is estimated that for every twenty kilos more, consumption increases by 1% . Not much, I know, but why would we want to carry a toolbox that if I would like the plumber in my neighborhood if after repair we will not know anything about the motor, being all electronic? or why do we need an oil can of 5 liters if the car today does not leak oil? And the five-liter jug \u200b\u200bof antifreeze or a gallon of windshield washer fluid?
Adding, adding, in the end we get forty or fifty kilos more than make us a precious tenths increase in our consumption every hundred kilometers.

When buying a car, we usually pass a budget when choosing to eat less. It'll save you the time! With a little care will achieve consume less even with the car that, at first, spending more. And always, respecting the environment.


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