Lo que viene a continuación lo conocemos sobradamente: fuera las comidas pesadas, alimentación más equilibrada, algo de ejercicio y a enfadarnos todos los días con la dichosa báscula.
Sin dejar de lado ninguna de estas soluciones, este año podemos contribuir a alcanzar desired figure few tips that we do not involve a lot of effort and, above, will help us save a few euros and contribute to environmental conservation .
We assume that the calories consumed each day, as prescribed by specialists and depending on the physical activity we conduct, ranges between 2,000 and 2,500 .

And the energy savings? An elevator spends every working minute that 4 bulbs of 60 watts for one hour. With the route indicated above, we operate the lift about eight minutes a day (the elevator is waiting for us at the door of our house, halfway vacuum does), or two kilowatts daily, about 40 cents (before taxes) or 12 euros monthly . Okay, the electricity consumed by the elevator pay the residents, but who pays to the community? If all the neighbors do the same ...
We went outside. Studies show that more than half of the inhabitants of a city made trips about three or at most, five miles to go to work, go to the clinic, shop or visit family, to give a examples.
To make them, if we use the average car takes about 20 or 25 minutes. We can not do for less, we'll have to go get the car parked two blocks from our house, swallow a dozen red lights and, worst of all, find parking at the destination. If we do twice a day this way (12 km) and assuming that we spend about 20 cents per mile (not to count only the gasoline consumption), the end of the day we will have spent about two and a half euros Some 60 per month (minus holidays) and 750 a year . All this without counting what the car can cost us if we do not have choice but to use it (about 1.5 euros per hour) or even worse, fines for parking in prohibited place.

Now suppose we make these trips on foot. It will take something between 30 and 40 minutes, but will gain peace of mind and our physical will notice, on each trip will consume 150 calories (not walk very fast) or 600 daily. Over 13,000 a month! The equivalent of 5 days of food.
And if we can not lose time, have you thought about using the bike or skate? With the bike will take even less than the car and if we do the four paths with it, consume about 300 calories a day . And the cost will remain near zero. With skates, burn up to twice the calories than the bike.

Okay, I agree with you. We can not always take the lift or not the car. but we do only half of the time we managed to save around 500 euros and burn the equivalent calories for a month and a half.
Not bad. If we can save up to share the gym that costs us go with God's help twice a week!
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