Friday, October 9, 2009

Cervix Position Too High

Objective: to save 6,000 euros per year

We are in times of crisis and we all want lower costs and savings be available "just in case" . That, of course, if we have not had the misfortune of falling into unemployment, in which case the cost reduction becomes an obligation.
However, we all likes to live well so we set ourselves a challenge: save 6,000 euros per year without reducing our quality of life, only by removing or reducing unnecessary expenses. Some of these costs are high, but others just involve a few dollars, already, but as I said the announcement "cup to cup ...."

not going to give you tips on how to lower the mortgage payment or even find cheap travel bargains in the sales. For that and there are other websites that do the world of good. Our goal is to limit to record a series of modest, everyday expenses, but that ultimately can make a difference.
addition, many of these tips get a twofold: economic and energy savings . Therefore, our planet will thank us too.

Several of these tips are listed in the online journal XLSemanal , but we've culled from other publications and experiences. Let
it. For starters, let's get some sheets of paper and a pen. Better yet, start saving, surely the school books of our children are some to which they have been the final number of blank sheets. We have to write to to get our expenses. Now, we will give suggestions, mark those that believe they are feasible. We have put in savings per month, always trying to pull it low. Sumadlas all, have you reached 500 per month? Perfect and if not, the insurance amount is also respectable.

One last tip: if aprovecháis notepad to keep track of expenses, you will have acquired a habit that will save you thousands of dollars over your life and it is very laborious to do.

- Do not download ringtones or ringback tones and screen savers mobile. Do not participate in any contest of the TV or your favorite singer votes. (20 euros)
- There limiters for mobile consumption of your children. Teenagers have no restraint and thus, become more responsible. (25 euros)
- Head over again prepaid card. You better regulate spending. (25 euros)
- If you have broadband at home, using the Messenger, Skype, Google Talk and others. You can go almost all the free calls, even video conferencing. (30 euros)

Electricity - 95% of cases, use the program cold wash in the washer. (10 euros)
- The dishwasher is always full and hand washing prevents . (10 euros)
- The oven only for occasions. Order to thaw and reheat. Always look through the door every time you open it lost 20% of the indoor temperature. (20 euros)
- clothesline. You lose time relative to the dryer, but it saves electricity. (20 euros)
- When the refrigerator and freezer more than three millimeters of ice Thaw. The refrigerator has 30% of total household consumption, so avoid opening the door. (10 euros)
- Use larger pots and pans to the cooking area. Top pans while cooking. (10 euros)
- Wherever possible, use the pressure cooker . (10 euros)
- Turn off the oven, ceramic and even the plate minutes before the end to harness the residual heat. (5 euros)

"Tell goodbye to incandescent bulbs. Change them all at once or as they are based on the low power consumption. 9 euros worth more, but each one saves more than a euro a month. Each household has an average of about 25. (40 euros)
- Air conditioning always 25 degrees and heating to 20. Well insulated doors and windows so you are not escaping or cold or heat. (30 euros)
Within days, publish the second part of this report: "Objective: save 6,000 euros "


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