winter already have well developed, but still not too late to save a few euros into energy.
Did you know that heating accounts for 41% of energy consumption in a home? But beware of consuming all year and that used only during the cold months.
Therefore, if we save a few euros and contribute to the environment, the first action we perform has to be related, necessarily, with heating.
Did you know that heating accounts for 41% of energy consumption in a home? But beware of consuming all year and that used only during the cold months.
Therefore, if we save a few euros and contribute to the environment, the first action we perform has to be related, necessarily, with heating.
To make the calculations, we assume what is considered an average consumption of 175 euros a month and continued use of six months a year.
First of all, how many degrees you have to be my home? Experts recommend a 20 degrees during the day and 17 evening . But let's not go crazy watching the thermometer constantly, the best thing is to install a reliable thermostat. And will get him our house is always at the ideal temperature. Only with this detail, the saving means 10% of the invoice. Ie 20 euros per month or 100 a year .

To ventilate the house is enough with 15 minutes a day and always with the heating off. It is also appropriate to lift the blinds on sunny days to warm up naturally our home.
Between 25% and 30% of our heating needs are due to heat losses arising in the windows and doors . An outrage.
We need to improve the insulation. How? For although it seems a lot of work, we have to plug the drawers of the blinds, put weatherstripping on doors, improved glazing ... avoid any actions that we may miss the tickets through the windows.
The double glazing keeps 50% of heat loss, the thermal protection insulating glass 40% and capping joints and cracks provides 10% additional energy. A fully insulated home uses 50% less heating . Returning the example on 90 euros per month and more than 500 a year .
I know you will think that all this is very nice, but then you have to pay. If indeed the task of isolating well a home can be expensive, but the payback is very fast. Besides, there are autonomous regions and municipalities (as in Madrid and Basque Country ) that subsidize much of the work. Consultation within government.

all these actions we can approach the 700 euros of annual savings . I think that the amount is significant enough to warm a little head, do not you think? Besides, we must not forget our contribution to environmental improvement.
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