Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Where Can Find Legendary Pokemon On Pokemondeluge

Weekend in the Valley Premiere

This weekend I've been in the Valley of Liebana doing some sightseeing and this time little sport that occasionally does not hurt to give the body a break and enjoy the mountain with a quieter plan. On Friday we arrived after the snowfall, which in this area not affected as much as the coast, on Saturday made a good day, but was nasty blizzard in exposed areas and also nice to photograph, and Sunday he got wind of south and took away much of the snow fell so bad that water.

Here I am on sources that despite the sun to a considerable rasquilla.
upper cable car station saving 753 meters of altitude in just 4 minutes
old cable car cabin with the gap of the channel Jenduda the bottom, place to get if we go up the cable car.
Peña (2229 m.) from Fuente Dé.
Now we go to the San Glorio not before taking a picture to Coriscao wrapped by the blizzard.
Descending towards Portilla de La Reina, where we found a lot of icicles
A view of the area up to San Glorio just past Llanaves La Reina.
Arriving at the port of San Glorio by the side of Leon.
Blizzard at the port.
the background the Sierra de Peña Sagra.
In this addition we Peña Sagra, from left to right, El Cueto de La reconciles, hill Sejos IJAN Cueto, El Cornón, Peña Labra, Tres Mares, Cuchillón, Pico de Diego-shaped tooth Corcoran and Bistruey Pico,
And after this tour is nothing better than eating a piece regain strength grilled steak, rich and rich foundation.
Potes View Peak as a backdrop.
After visiting the interpretive center of the Picos we got a blizzard Piedrasluengas where as in San Glorio was causing a shock to more than one, the road had a good layer of snow on some stretches.
Picos de Europa from Piedrasluengas.
Peña Labra with clear traces of what was causing the blizzard.
the background the Abyss Peña Visma.

The next day, Sunday, the temperature had risen a lot and rain began to melt the snow.
In this photo from Mogrovejo Andara Massif.
Peña Sagra colorful with the background.
Fog Peña Sagra.
And finally a view from the area of \u200b\u200bthe monastery of Santo Toribio, the tops of the Junciana, San Carlos and Sacred Heart and Samelar Turieno with the people of their feet.
I hope you liked the story.
A greeting.


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