Saturday, December 25, 2010

Killing Me Softly-film Online

Skiing Skiing on Christmas Ganeko Lunada

maj @ s today, taking advantage that I had some time ago and the recent snowfall, I went to the area to make Ganekogorta Alonsotegi with skis. They were not sure how much snow was going to meet the gap that could not ski down but because there are not many days per year that can ski so close to Bilbao because I've gone there with all the gear. I went to the car to the base of Ganekogorta to carry as little as possible the skis and I had just enough time to climb down and go to prepare the Christmas meal. In total almost 600 vertical meters in less than 1 hour of ascent. I was lucky because I went out and snowing when I arrived has been cleared up just enough to see some scenery and get no fog. Here is the photographic story:
all ready to go.
quickly came to the hill between the Ganeko and Gongeda where the skis fit me as there are enough snow to climb.

Autofoto of my legs, lol.
In some time it has snowed in earnest.
On this side fucks up all depending on the pace quickly.

I stand a lot of times to take pictures, the landscape deserves.

After the open some light snow are appreciated.
Here I had to remove the skis to pass the stream and so I used to go on a photo.
From the 800 meters you could tell there was more thick, down there was the matter very fair.
That makes the front slope of decline seems to look good.
I'm closer to the top, the background is the area of \u200b\u200bEl Abra and La Galea, the Cantabrian Sea
Beautiful forms produced by the wind.

cimero got to the ridge with the pager at the bottom.
There he is my shadow.
Triano mountains in fog.
After almost an hour to climb it to the top of Ganekogorta.

There he is the neighbor of Ganek, Larrentxu or Biderdi.
And then I launched myself down with a heavy powder snow but enjoying some butt. More and better tomorrow.


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