Friday, May 21, 2010

How To Know If You Have Mucous In Stool


Pictures of landscapes from the Sierra de La Demanda

Picture taken from the Peak Ezcaray Necutia the background.

Cerro type Gatón with lenticular cloud. On the slopes of the summit comes Oja river that gives name to the region.

indicative of GR

Poster 290 as it passes through La Cruz de La Demanda.

Sierra de Neila.

Sierra de Ayllón.

Sierra de Guadarrama.

Panoramica of the Cantabrian Mountains, from Espigüete to the area of \u200b\u200bAlto Campo. You can see Espigüete, Pico Murcia, Curavacas, Peña Prieta, Picos de Europa, Valdecebollas, and The Three Seas Cornón.

Paste Burgos de la Sierra in demand from the top of the Otero or Escorlacia.

Urbión Peaks.

San Lorenzo, La Rioja to ceiling height of 2271 meters.

Rioja Information Overview of the Demand.

From left to right, Marullo, Chilizarrias, Wedge, Cabezaparda, San Lorenzo, Salt, Gitano, Mochitegutia, Espelcia, Necutia and Gatón.

Pozo Black, head of the Tug River and glacial lake most important of the mountain.

With telephoto look good the remains of an avalanche of considerable size, it is curious that this is still partially frozen.

And in these last two years show some of the cornices are reluctant to transform into water.


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