We bring today the penultimate chapter of this series. "Have you got any targets savings? They also can help you.

- Replaces incense or air fresheners for herbs. Best aromas, greener and more economical. (10 euros)
- You can also use herbs instead insecticide : basil, rosemary or thyme, certain species (such as ground pepper against ants) or strips of brown paper soaked in sugar or vinegar.
- clean furniture The best product is a cloth dampened with water , dust takes longer to appear. For more thorough cleaning can be used a mixture of two parts olive oil and vinegar. They can also use natural wax for wooden floors and furniture, and linseed oil for terrazzo floors and brick. (10 euros)
- A replacement for the cleaner is used a wet and a dry newspaper . If it resists the mirror or glass, mix water with two tablespoons of denatured alcohol.
- Vinegar is almost magical : diluted in water can be used to scrub floors and works as a disinfectant. It can also be a substitute like fabric softener and brightener of clothes with yellow spots. And it is much cheaper that the products it replaces. (5 euros)
- Use esparto, as did our forefathers, instead of wool. To remove stubborn stains, nothing like the lemon and baking soda. (5 euros)
- With regard to personal hygiene, care with soap and shampoo. Pour half a bottle every time we shower only serve to throw down the drain. Use the amount needed, but without going over. Forget the liquid soap to wash your hands again soap bar : cleans better and is much cheaper. (10 euros)
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