The English use, annually, about 300 bags of plastic of a single-use paper bags 50 apiece. Adding them all come to the tremendous amount of 13,500 million bags and 2,080 million paper and cardboard per year, generating 98,000 and 41,600 tonnes of waste annually respectively. And every year that passes, tons generated are increasing.
Viewing these figures is easy to reach the conclusion that something must be done to stop this climbing, especially considering that only 13% of these bags are recycled .
Since we do not propose to collect the bags in supermarkets , as we believe that this measure is only effective in the first purchases: the moment when we realize that the cost of bags is just one thousandth of purchase, consume the same as before the measurement. This does not solve environmental problems.
We decided more by other solutions that are more imaginative. Everyone can contribute their idea. Here we propose the following:
- Replace non-biodegradable bags usual for other biodegradable potato starch or corn .
- Premia r (minus a few cents of purchase) to consumers who carry their bags from home. The psychological effect of saving a few cents can change our habits.
- Remember that bags can be used in more than one occasion (and not just throw in the trash bin). Bring it to lead to "super."
- To facilitate the recycling of bags installed more yellow containers on our streets (buried, please) and all of us aware that, like any other container bags recycled.
can also recycle the bags at home. Can be many things with them, it only takes a little imagination. We leave this example of tissue made from plastic bags found in green blog crafts. You can also make furniture, decorative shapes, bags, clothes ...
Recycling is extremely important. Plastic bags can be recycled easily if properly deposited in the yellow. In Spain there are 35 plants selection packaging to prevent millions of these bags end up incinerated (producing toxic gases), rivers and seas, or lying on the field. With the material obtained after the recycling process (a kind of "lentils" gray pellets called ) can make lots of new items, soils, pots, pipes
... give an example, the largest recycling facility of this type, located in Amorebieta, Vizcaya, have been recovered since its construction in 1997, ten million tons of plastic or whatever it is, ten times Santiago Bernabeu Stadium to plump up . Imagine this amount trash inundating our fields.
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