Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Get A Leafeon In Pokemon Indigo

Yesterday I took a ride on one of the many peaks that surround Urkiola, in this case amounted to Errialtabaso (1018 m) although I've always known as Arrietabaso. You can ascend from the port of Urkiola Mañaria or from the territory of Dima. In this case I chose as a starting point the chapel of San Lorenzo in Baltzola, near the famous caves and belongs the town of Dima. At first my intention was to go to visit Artaungane Leungane and its twin peak, but by the time and no one came to this summit, so I changed plans in the hill that separates these peaks. Yesterday, despite being in February, the atmosphere was more typical of spring, I just hope that come with good snowfall in March, at least in the mountains above 1000 meters.
After this introduction I put some of the many photos I could take hours to catch interesting long-distance:
About Neberazar a view of Leungane, Artatzagan and Mugarra.
For there's the top of Errialtabaso.
Some pictures of the surroundings of this beautiful peak.

Before us Gorbeia Igitaia the fridge.
Alluitz, Anboto and Izpiste. At the bottom right Aitzgorri area.

To the west and after the peak of Untzueta, Peña are Lusa, Picon del Fraile, Carrio ... located in the region of Pas-Miera, or whatever it is, near Lunada.
Castro in the center of the photo and right and Singing Honey hamstrings.
Camouflaged in the mists and clouds the Sierra de la Demanda, with San Lorenzo Cabezaparda, Necutia, etc. ..
Mists in the Plains of Alava.
Saibigain Cima.

Pyrenees on the horizon, saw Aralar appearing on the right.
brumilla Bilbao and its property.
And finally a picture of Mugarra.

Vintage Oakley Razor Blades

An interview with Daniela Escobar MISS

El Alto, February 19 .- "The easier you are, the more beautiful you are" a phrase which is used as cabala current Miss Daniela Escobar UPEA, she participated in the election of the Queen of Carnival La Paz organized by the Association of La Paz Comparsas on 19 February at the Park of the Cholas.

Simple, humble and charismatic Daniela Escobar, Miss UPEA agreed to our interview accompanied by Marcelo Flores (his representative) in a cafe in Villa Esperanza in the city of Alto where we shared a delicious Coca Cola.

The Miss UPEA recalls that his childhood was very pleasant throughout the years won several medals in bodybuilding and Raquet, currently teaching swimming. Among its premises is traveling, meeting new places and his dream is to help special children with a disability biological.

For the most demanding, Daniela Escobar measures are 90, 60, 90 and measured 1.65 inches, and explains that when the crowd that likes to be the "center of attraction."

Asked response to Daniela Escobar, Miss UPEA 2010-2011

EABOLIVIA (EAB): How old are you?
Daniela Escobar (DAE): 23 years

EAB: Your Sign?

DAE: Leo.
EAB: What career do you study?
DAE: Developmental Science, 3rd semester.
EAB: What is your favorite football team?
DAE: The Stronguest, especially the staff of Pablo Escobar.
EAB: Your favorite music?
DAE: Alternative Rock.
EAB: What are you left school graduate?
DAE: From SEMA Hernando Siles de Villa Fátima.
EAB: What is your favorite population of Bolivia?
DAE: Ixiamas, La Paz.
EAB: Does your favorite color?
DAE: Purple.
EAB: What about Evo Morales?
DAE: I was "Satuca" Gustavo Torrico supported but now I'm away and very upset with the MAS government.
EAB: What are your dreams?
DAE: Be professional and practice my career Development Sciences.
EAB: Have your partner?
DAE: Yes.
EAB: What is your name?
DAE: Marcelo Flores Yañez.
EAB: Does your favorite artist?
Daniela Escobar, Miss UPEA.
DAE: Paulina Rubio.
EAB: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
DAE: Sleep, I am very homey. I like playing Play Station and Struggles of the WWE in 3D.
EAB: Your favorite dish?
DAE: Mashed potatoes and ceviche.
EAB: What is your favorite novel?
DAE: Shika da Silva.
EAB: Favorite animal?
DAE: El Gato.
EAB: What is your religion?
DAE: I'm an atheist.
EAB: Your message to the youth
DAE: Young people do not try to pretend they are not and I encourage world peace, and that at the carnival "no play with water, but mojense "says Daniela Escobar, Miss UPEA within his beautiful smile.
Text and Photos by Alberto Medrano /

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ap Bio Lab 5 Cell Respiration Answers

Video Panoramas from Errialtabaso skiing in Cueto Cueto Teja Teja

Here is a video with more pictures from Saturday in Picos de Europa:


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Disney Cruise Auditions Nyc

February 5, 2011.

Here I am again with a new story, this time in the eastern massif of the Picos de Europa, better known as Andara Massif. This time we have put together a good squad, Rachel, Charles, Lydia, Bob, I, Agosti Oscar's head and three friends from Oscar. He made one of those days that make love, good weather, excellent temperature, good snow and good company, you can not ask for more. The route was out of Jito of Escarandi, Cueto up the tile, then go to one of the Jou Spades landless and lower to the starting point, a full path to sweat a little. The snowfall in Sotres this a little over 1000 meters was interesting at least were 30 cm and hence the thickness grew up in quantity but going down in some areas it was clear that there was no basis and the stones were noted, and also sharpen edges, hahaha. To park the car in the Jito of Escarandi had to shovel snow and thus enter into heat, some more than others, lol.
Tielve On the way up to we get this nice photo of the river Duje.
Jito of Escarandi We arrived at this spectacular panorama. What a piece of day we expected.
before putting the tables is to park the car and shoveling snow touches.
And after doing site set off the roadside Casetón direction of walking.

To the left looms the Macondiú Pica.
Here are the full group.
And we continue.
Nice views at all times.
Here I am with Rachel.
Posing for the photo.
Oscar opening track and lead the way to go.
Cuera La Sierra in the background.

Climb up the channel with The Pica Macondiú the background.
Carlos and Raquel

We arrived at the basis of Cueto Tile with Samelar Peak in the background.

And a stone's throw we have the first summit of the day, Cueto tile.
Cueto Going up tile.
From the top you can enjoy a nice view, the day comes. Central Massif of Picos de Europa with Peña Vieja Picos de Santa Ana, Tyre Navarro, The Valley Moneta, etc.
the summit ridge.
Peña Vieja. Carlos
the Cantabrian Sea in the background.
top photos

Aerial view of Sotres.
For that we shovel down. Now let one of the pikes of Jou landless.

For there we will take steps to do later.
Cueto top tile from the second day.
Posing once again.
Over there we have to download and how we will enjoy, a piece of snow.
From about the Castro Valnera Valdominguero photograph. This time it has snowed there too.
Here Pico La Miel, Picon and Pena del Fraile Lusa.
Llagu of Valdominguero Zone.
Turns in the first blade.
After a good run in the distance we Jito of Escarandi.

And that's what we did yesterday. A greeting. Hello