An interview with Daniela Escobar MISS El Alto, February 19 .- "The easier you are, the more beautiful you are" a phrase which is used as cabala current Miss Daniela Escobar UPEA, she participated in the election of the Queen of Carnival La Paz organized by the Association of La Paz Comparsas on 19 February at the Park of the Cholas.
Simple, humble and charismatic
Daniela Escobar, Miss UPEA agreed to our interview accompanied by Marcelo Flores (his representative) in a cafe in Villa Esperanza in the city of Alto where we shared a delicious Coca Cola.
The Miss UPEA recalls that his childhood was very pleasant throughout the years won several medals in bodybuilding and Raquet, currently teaching swimming. Among its premises is traveling, meeting new places and his dream is to help special children with a disability biological.
For the most demanding, Daniela Escobar measures are 90, 60, 90 and measured 1.65 inches, and explains that when the crowd that likes to be the "center of attraction."
Asked response to Daniela Escobar, Miss UPEA 2010-2011
EABOLIVIA (EAB): How old are you?
Daniela Escobar (DAE): 23 years
EAB: Your Sign?
DAE: Leo.
EAB: What career do you study?
DAE: Developmental Science, 3rd semester.
EAB: What is your favorite football team?
DAE: The Stronguest, especially the staff of Pablo Escobar.
EAB: Your favorite music?
DAE: Alternative Rock.
EAB: What are you left school graduate?
DAE: From SEMA Hernando Siles de Villa Fátima.
EAB: What is your favorite population of Bolivia?
DAE: Ixiamas, La Paz.
EAB: Does your favorite color?
DAE: Purple.
EAB: What about Evo Morales?
DAE: I was "Satuca" Gustavo Torrico supported but now I'm away and very upset with the MAS government.
EAB: What are your dreams?
DAE: Be professional and practice my career Development Sciences.
EAB: Have your partner?
DAE: Yes.
EAB: What is your name?
DAE: Marcelo Flores Yañez.
EAB: Does your favorite artist?
Daniela Escobar, Miss UPEA. |
DAE: Paulina Rubio.
EAB: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
DAE: Sleep, I am very homey. I like playing Play Station and Struggles of the WWE in 3D.
EAB: Your favorite dish?
DAE: Mashed potatoes and ceviche.
EAB: What is your favorite novel?
DAE: Shika da Silva.
EAB: Favorite animal?
DAE: El Gato.
EAB: What is your religion?
DAE: I'm an atheist.
EAB: Your message to the youth
DAE: Young people do not try to pretend they are not and I encourage world peace, and that at the carnival "no play with water, but mojense "says Daniela Escobar, Miss UPEA within his beautiful smile.
Text and Photos by Alberto Medrano /