Today Wednesday've gone back to Alto Campo, this time I stayed with Rachel. We made 2 climbs, one up where the snow came in Tres Mares (from Monday había quitado mucha) y otra por la zona de El Chivo subiendo a pie hasta El Cornón. Salimos a foquear hacia las 9:30 con un viento algo desagradable que luego se fue intensificando. Debido a esto la temperatura no se disparo como el lunes o martes y la nieve aguanto bien hasta las 2 que es a la hora a la que nos fuimos.
Llegamos hasta la base del Pico Tres Mares, quitamos las pieles de los esquís
y nos tiramos por la pista que andaba ya justita de nieve in one step.
After we go down to the cafeteria to dry the skins for a while, we returned to put esquísy we head to the parking lot in El Chivo to climb to the Cornón. y nos tiramos por la pista que andaba ya justita de nieve in one step.

One of the many things that are scattered along the tracks of Alto Campo, to see if some year we just stop everything clean.

View from The Cornón.
From left to right, Cotomañinos, Cuchillón, Tres Mares and Peña Labra
Top of The Cornón a curious way of backpack mail.
Raquel tweaking the hair, hahaha.
And here the dismissal of this area until next season, as the
next week gives a lot of snow and we can go back, we'll see.

Here to fund the San Gloria and the Mountain Palencia and Leon
started to fall, but not before taking some more pictures.

started to fall, but not before taking some more pictures.

down the Goat.

After the descent we took some refreshments and home
a summer day in the month of April.
a summer day in the month of April.

And here the dismissal of this area until next season, as the
next week gives a lot of snow and we can go back, we'll see.

Video summary
Raquel El Chivo: