Monday, March 8, 2010

Wet Cervical Mucus Lasting 3 Days

Objective: save 6,000 euros per year (VI).

continue our crusade. Let's see: what is the point at which you can save more money? Indeed, when we went to buy something in a store.
Reflect a moment before entering a facility and a good save euros.

-Buy clothing, shoes and accessories out of season, when the sales are coming to an end. The next year are still in fashion or is it that you change your entire wardrobe each year? shop also builds on the "factories", "outlets" and even markets . (30 euros)

- Are your closets and drawers full? We bought too many clothes then do not use. Apply the 80/20 rule: 20% the clothes we put it at 80% of the time . Try to buy only those clothes. (30 euros)

-Save on books, newspapers, music and movies. How? Sacándote the library card. They also have free internet access. (20 euros)

"Forget that gym where you just see the hair. You can sign in municipal facilities which, if they are not free, are much more cheap. (25 euros)

"If you wanted to quit , now is the time. Your health will also be grateful. Smoking a pack a day, savings can approach the 100 per month. If that does not want (or can) stop, two tips: Fumat only those you truly feel like doing (will be about half) and forget to buy packages on the machines bars, go to the tobacconist. (40 euros)


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