Thursday, March 25, 2010

Plate Tilt Honda Civic

Objective: save 6,000 euros per year (VII). Food Shopping

I go with the seventh installment. There is very little to achieve our goal.
If in the previous post we looked at how to save when we went shopping, this time the focus a bit more: in the greatest savings can be achieved when we buy food . Here we go.

- Buy brands. do much publicity for saying that the original product is better ... not true: most of the time both the manufacturer and the product ingredients are the same . The savings can be achieved is between 20 and 30% of the price shopping cart. (90 euros).
- never go to the supermarket with an empty stomach . The "whim" are often purchased at the time. (15 euros)
- Always shopping list. And follow her to the foot of the letter, of course. Improvising purchasing a product 25% (30 euros)

-The prices of bulk often cheaper than bottled. Besides, buy the amount we really need. (10 euros)
- Buy seasonal food. They have all their nutritional qualities and are much better. Outside its natural period, fruits and vegetables are worth a fortune. (15 euros)

- Look closely at the expiration dates, both when buying and using them at home. Throw away products is by far the most expensive out there. Use common sense with expired food: 3 months expired yogurt can kill you, but a vacuum-packed food that expired the previous day is not going to do anything. (30 euros)

- Always look at all the shelves. Best Value usually hidden . (5 euros)

- Beware offers 3x2 or second unit at half price . Many times we buy quantities that we consume. (10 euros)

- If you have a small terrace , forget to decorate with exotic plants. Have an exorbitant price, and being out of their environment, tend to die easily, so you'll need to buy. Change them by herbs (thyme, mint, sage ...) that last longer and you will use when cooking. (10 euros)
- not to mention if you have a small plot of land next door to you: vegetables, vegetables with very little space ... you can get several kilos harvest. And very funny. (20 euros)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Quo Lashes Buy Online

Information Retrieval Models for Information Retrieval.

Design SRI a is performed under a model, which is defined as "how to obtain the representations of documents and consultation, the strategy for assessing the relevance of a document concerning a consultation and methods to establish the importance (order) of the output documents "(Villena Román, 1997). There are several proposed classifications of models, one of the most comprehensive synthesis is performed Dominich into five groups (Dominich, 2000):

classifies information retrieval models based on the initial task performed by the user the system: (1) retrieve information through an equation of search (retrieval) inserted in a form designed for this, or (2) taking the time to see (browse) documents in the search for references (Baeza-Yates, 1999), ushering in his classification hypertext [CON 1988] [NIE, 1990] model which is based web [BER, 1992].

This author divides the recovery-based models into two groups: traditional and structured. In the first of these includes the Boolean models, vector space and probabilistic. Subsequently, it presents a series of alternative paradigms to each model: set theory (Boolean fuzzy sets and extended), algebraic (vector generalized latent semantic indexing and neural networks), and finally, probabilistic (inference networks and knowledge networks), the structured models correspond to non-overlapping lists of terms and nearby nodes (they are sparsely distributed models). Models based on navigation between web pages are of three types: flat structure, structure and hypertext tour.

The first is a simple reading of a document in isolation from the context, the second has the potential to facilitate exploration by organizing the documents in a directory-type structure with a hierarchy of classes and subclasses and the third is based on the idea of \u200b\u200ba system information that the possibility of acquiring information in a sequential but not strictly through nodes and links (Baeza-Yates, 1999). Baeza-Yates is also the provider of an additional classification of these models information retrieval, performed according to the method of consultation and the logical view of documents:


Both Baeza-Yates ( Baeza-Yates, 1999) and Villena Román (Villena Román, 1997) conducted a detailed presentation of each of the models, and also interesting reading Grossman and Frieder [GRO, 1998], to discuss alternatives to the models classics.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Wet Cervical Mucus Lasting 3 Days

Objective: save 6,000 euros per year (VI).

continue our crusade. Let's see: what is the point at which you can save more money? Indeed, when we went to buy something in a store.
Reflect a moment before entering a facility and a good save euros.

-Buy clothing, shoes and accessories out of season, when the sales are coming to an end. The next year are still in fashion or is it that you change your entire wardrobe each year? shop also builds on the "factories", "outlets" and even markets . (30 euros)

- Are your closets and drawers full? We bought too many clothes then do not use. Apply the 80/20 rule: 20% the clothes we put it at 80% of the time . Try to buy only those clothes. (30 euros)

-Save on books, newspapers, music and movies. How? Sacándote the library card. They also have free internet access. (20 euros)

"Forget that gym where you just see the hair. You can sign in municipal facilities which, if they are not free, are much more cheap. (25 euros)

"If you wanted to quit , now is the time. Your health will also be grateful. Smoking a pack a day, savings can approach the 100 per month. If that does not want (or can) stop, two tips: Fumat only those you truly feel like doing (will be about half) and forget to buy packages on the machines bars, go to the tobacconist. (40 euros)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Cb Sideband Questions

shopping Objective: to save 6,000 euros per year (V). Payment

continue with our crusade to make saving precious 6,000 euros at the end of the year. This time we mean the way we pay our purchases or services. For us to pay according to how we can save money.

- When using plastic money, do always debit. Do not stay never exposed: the banks expect that time to "crujirte." (30 euros)

- For major purchases online consultation before the opinions of other consumers in the forums . You save money and many disappointments.

- is not widespread, but sometimes instead of using the money, you can pay barter . Object by object or work for work. You can read in .


are also catching on the "time banks" or whatever it is, exchange of skills: language learning in exchange for teaching how to care for a garden ... More information .

- Try to buy as much on the Internet, is much cheaper and if you can pay in dollars , with the current exchange rate will leave encouraged. Have you tried ?

- Take advantage of times when a store offers you the purchase installments without interest. During this time you can get for your money.

In the latter cases have not quantified the savings, since they can be anywhere from a few dollars to thousands of them, all depends on what we should use.