Saturday, November 27, 2010

Pain Shower Recess Tiles

LED lights in our homes are imposed

As we indicated in our previous post , lighting our homes by traditional incandescent bulbs days are numbered. already stopped manufacturing the 100-watt bulbs and soon will be followed by 60, 40 and 25.

Like it or not, we will change in the very near future the way of lighting our homes. Currently, there are three solutions on the market: halogen bulbs, energy-saving bulbs and LEDs.
The first, halogen lamps, energy-inefficient remain . The second, the light bulbs have the disadvantage of contain toxic substances inside and LEDs are just developed for use domestically. But the latter is unlikely to be that will change soon.

Although, at present, the LED light emitting diodes are only used as lighting in traffic lights, some electronics or as parking lights to create atmosphere, and you start seeing more powerful versions serve to illuminate some of our streets, some stores pointers (especially in light of the windows) and gradually are opening the way at bars, restaurants and hotels.

You know the famous Moore's Law? According to this law, our computer chips double in power and its price divided by two every 18 months. Well, with LED technology something very similar, although in this case, is called Haitz Act. The installation in hotels and small shops is the step immediately prior to its generalization in our homes. Soon we will have on the market size LED bulbs similar to incandescents and screw the same system.

Since its consumption is 90% less than traditional bulbs and its life cycle is virtually forever (about 10,000 hours or, what is, between 8 and 10 years of daily use normal), the LED technology has every appearance of becoming very common in the very near future.

the LED does not stop there. Your chances go way beyond being just a source of cheap and durable lighting. This technology enables you to work with it as a decorative element more in question. The compositions, lights and shadows and the transformation of space that it causes makes it an extremely useful tool for decorators with a little creativity.

addition, installation is relatively simple. For example, just put a string of LEDs connected via Ethernet and control the entire installation from a PC . With a simple netbook can do the same job that previously would have needed a special control board and several people in charge.

Hopefully, as the Law says Haitz, LEDs soon increase their strength and lowering its price. There will be letting them go way into our homes.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ear Stretching Silicone

VII University College Entrance UPEA 2010

The event was held on Saturday 13 November. Thirty-one fraternities participated. It began at 10:00 am and ended around midnight. University Entrance is held every year in commemoration of the Autonomy of the UPEA. Students of the School of Linguistics and Languages \u200b\u200bdanced the Dance of the Callahuayas.
Elijah Blog Source reign

Can Waxing Cause Yeast Infections

Misses UPEA 2010, Altena U beauties of the UPEA

Misses the UPEA 2010 by for the pictures to the Director of Social Interaction Patricia Bernal.

U Briefly Altena has youth, beauty and much identity.

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18 To Party 21 To Drink Clubs In Atlanta

Cholitas 2010, Carmen Rosa Mamani you

UPEA Cholitas of 2010, Carmen Rosa Mamani photo Chiara Science Career Development, it for her beauty came to be enshrined in second in the award ceremony made before the Entry VII University of UPEA.

The photos were provided by the Director of Social Interaction Patricia Bernal.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

White Bath Rugs With Black Accents

Chiara Daniela Escobar, Miss Wendy UPEA 2010-2011

2010 Miss UPEA full of youth, beauty and elegance, Miss Daniela Escobar honors the UPEA in University Entrance VII which was last November 13, 2010 through the main streets of the city of El Alto. We thank
designs by Marcelo Flores, student Development Sciences and equipment 2.0 enlaUPEA .
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Monday, November 22, 2010

How To Make A Yugioh Deck

Olmedo, UPEA 2009 Miss and Miss Cholita

Wendy Olmedo in a special session next photo the Ñusta Celia Huang and the Director of Social Interaction UPEA Patricia Bernal, pictures of management 2009.
Images courtesy of Ms. Patricia Bernal, Director of Social Interaction UPEA.
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How Much Temazepam Is Lethal

UPEA 2010

The majestic entrance University of UPEA was developed on 13 November in the city of El Alto.

Images and Miss Cholita UPEA 2010, Gail Ramos Gesil Civil Engineering and Daniela Escobar Developmental Science.

Many thanks to Victor accounts for graphic design in the photos.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Blisters On Butt Of Infant

dancing in the VII law 2010 University Entry UPEA

Brown, Chinese, bears, dancing in the VII achachis Entry University of UPEA held on Saturday November 13, 2010.

Law's career made its way through more than an hour on the central stage was in front of the FAB on the Avenida Juan Pablo II ..

The University celebrated the seven-year conquest of the Autonomous University with a lot of folklore and joy stunning.

Photos: Alberto Medrano

Best Bag For Nikon D60

Chronicle UPEA 2010 University Entry VII

The first carnival started at about 9 and 30 from Avenida Sucre de Villa Esperanza, the seventh version of the UPEA University Entrance through a large part of the Avenida Juan Pablo II to conclude at the Papal Cross, the main stage was located in front of the entrance of the Bolivian Air Force (FAB).

Among some fraternities can include: Nursing, Waca Waca, Electronic Engineering, Saya Afro-Self-Governing Social Work, Calcheños, Development Sciences, jalka-Salaque, Linguistics, Callaway, Architecture, Pujllay, History, Moseñada, etc.

The folklore festival ended after midnight because the last troupe to make its way through the box was the Devil of Medicine who with his red dress closed with a flourish of Folk Entry VII Altena University.

remember that at the end of the first half of November of each year are carried out by the University of UPEA Entry in commemoration and tribute to the Conquest of the University Autonomy held on November 12, 2003, after the bloody days of October and Historical when the people overthrew the Bloody alteño Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada.

The stage featured prominent guests of honor, judges and university authorities: Damaso Quispe, Rector, Elizabeth Condon, Vice-Chancellor; José Antonio Camayo, FUL, Elijah Ajata, President of the HCU, Antonio Carani, Workers' Union Executive, administrative etc.

The event was organized by the Directorate of Social Interaction and Cultural Extension headed by Mrs. Patricia Bernal, who in coordination with the Chancellor and the Student Center of the 22 runs carried out this college party.

the Internet Transmission

The UPEA had its first broadcast online via digital television for all the world, the coverage was driven by Blog Entry UPEA University, who told the enlaUPEA support team and the Commonwealth of EA Blogs Bloggers and Internet users, Folgama, EABolivia, Letters Altena, in full disclosure was joined by students of Social Communication, according to official data came to get 2807 views and 103 comments from around the world, interactivity of Facebook and twitter was shocking because people of Venezuela, Spain, Germany, Peru and the Bolivian community in Buenos Aires residents countered this initiative. We thank

Engineer Flores, Director of Systems Engineering Degree who contributes before, during and after coverage with computers: web camera, connecting COTEL and logistical support coverage.

other hand our sincere thanks to Edwin Velazquez, blogger and surfer, too active in the Social Networks 2.0, he went almost all the coverage and communicate via phone with the team to let them know transmission pleased to see through Site VII University Entrance 2010 live. Source
Lyrics El Alto