often as someone may have heard the famous phrase uttered dismissively: "You are simpler than the mechanism of a jug."
Indeed, it is very simple: stuffed into a source for wider mouth and drink down the narrow or "spout." But meanwhile, the miracle occurs: no water at room temperature has cooled and when the drink is cool (not to be confused with cold). Why?
The jug is a relatively inexpensive tool. Is made from clay but a mixture is kept makes the porosity of this material. It is this porosity that makes it cool to get water inside it.
Like human skin lets out sweat to cool the body, the jug also "sweat" through their pores. This is what is called evaporative cooling that get that for every gram of water that evaporates is achieved by removing 500 calories water jug. A more heat in the atmosphere, more evaporation and therefore more fresh water is conserved.
"Advantages? Many.
- When the water in a container is not airtight, chlorine evaporates, so that even if you fill from the tap in our homes, we do not appreciate the taste of bleach annoying.
- As already mentioned, the water flows cold as if we had just removed from the refrigerator but fresh. On a hot day, our temperature body is very high. The contrast with the low water temperature of the refrigerator can cause various ailments we (at least, sore throat).