Thursday, June 17, 2010

What Happened On The Missing Pages Of Blue Moon?

After yesterday's time has been calm and taking advantage of the rising rivers I went for a ride to the mountain to see the consequences of almost 140 mm of rain that fell yesterday in Bilbao. The area chosen was the Bolintxu stream valley within the city of Bilbao, and could say it is a small natural park is well protected by Bilbao and Arnotegi Pagasarri. To our misfortune should not have much value as other things and soon you will see broken Supersur peace of mind for the new highway Gran Bilbao.
route the beginning a little below and Seberetxe Buia, two small villages on the outskirts of Bilbao.
Just take the footpath across the valley I go into the jungle.
an oak tree, one of the most common trees in this area.
After just over 10 minutes walk to reach what was until the 1983 floods Bolintxu dam. The force of water that was filled with stones dam of the abandoned quarry that is above all that plus all that water drag, became over the years in this quiet place.
This is the dam wall and jump Bolintxu water produced.

Continuing up the valley, seeing the damage it has caused the rain yesterday, the bed of the river has swept away several sections of the trail and I have to go as best I can. I climb onto the dance Artabe the ravine below Uskortako Asilikueta Atxa. Low water
every gully.

One of the "sources" Artabe track.
I continue with my route and I'm taking to the slopes that rise to Pagasarri famous mountain Bilbao Area, we are in the world, hahaha. From here descend address Bilbao through the San Roque chapel dating from 1575, with an interesting history.
Bolintxu I return to the Valley but now the slope of Arnotegi with good views of Uskortako Atxa.
After just over 2 hours walking back to the starting point for finished giving this circular route Bolintxu hidden valley.
And to finish the story I put a video where you hear the sound of water:

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I Do I Know If My Rash Is From Prozac

Objective: to save 6,000 euros per year (IX). Children also have to save

With today's delivery, we end this series on household savings. For nine years we have offered deliveries over 80 tips to help needy family economy. We hope that some of them I have been very helpful.
conclude with the savings you can get through what we really want in our homes, our children. They are a very important part of the family and as such, can also help in the aim of achieving a sounder accounts in our home.

- It establishes the objectives weekly pay, as in large enterprises. The more you work with household chores or take out higher grades perform pranks or less, more pay. Who deserve it. (10 euros)

- whims purchases aplázalas for important dates such as birthdays, saints, kings, etc. Every time they go home can not return to what they most liked. Normally, that stuff we buy, the next day fall forgotten in a corner. Learn to say no, when they are older they will thank you. (20 euros)

- Do I need to have a mobile? If they can be alone to school or extracurricular activities and if they come home late, but I just believe that a child of eight need to be constantly informed. In any case, be prepaid and with little money each month . (15 euros)

In short: Love him but not abuse. And also learn to save.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Amortization Schedule Forcanadian Mortgage

Crossing the

Now enjoying the lovely weather we've had here I used to make a journey on the Ganekogorta Massif, mountain that rises almost 1 km above the valley and about 2 hours Cadagua Bilbao on foot. I have left the Athletic Bar, below Pagasarri district and close to San Justo de Bilbao. The original idea was to go by all the major peaks tilting up and back for water and in the end it has. I have gone 21 miles and peak at about 6 hours up to total cumulative altitude 1250 meters. I had an interesting encounter with a dog of those who care for sheep, but without more history, has been entertaining enough calf chasing two, lol. The photos this time are not very quality as they are made with the mobile but they serve to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe area.

First day summit, called by various names:

Biberdi, Larrentxu, Lastrón, Txosnagane and as I knew her since childhood Ganetxiki.

From here you can see the Sierra de la Demanda, Urbión and Onion.

And here the second day, Ganekogorta, maximum height of the mountain with 998 meters high.

I get to Ganekogorta and these are some of his views, including the Anboto and Gorbea.

Continuing the march towards the crest to the pager from the we have this view of Ganekogorta.

These horses graze peacefully in the pager. Peeks behind the Gallarraga, following today's summit.


The large hill to the bottom Gallarraga.

Now it save 100 meter drop in a plis plas.

up a corridor is almost out to the ridge crest.

Gallarraga Bluff, 902 meters.

From there come the distance, farther still good, lol.

Panoramic view from the top of Gallarraga. Left to

Right: Zona del Gorbea, Sierra de Gorobel, Montes de la Peña and Sierra de Ordunte

appears here in the only picture I've taken today.

Gallarraga descend from the hill toward the tip Kiputzeta then up to the hill of Kurtziaga. From here you can go down to Santa Lucia and then to Llodio. I follow the path that passes through the source Altxisketa (is also known by El Espino) and return to the area and so Pagasarri return to the starting point. Lowering

suspect Gallarraga watching me.


Source Ganekogorta below.

Pagasarri Bluff, swilling in Bilbao and its surroundings like the pay.


Bilbao from the sea in the background.

Pagasarri Refuge and Mount Bar Gannets.

And here down an oak and around Bilbao.

And here the information given by my great GPS:

Map of the voyage.

cruise Profile:

And assembly with Google Earth:

The track of the road as you can download here: