Saturday, February 20, 2010

Need Help Programing Viper Alarm

the information retrieval can be viewed as a thread of knowledge management, are a set of tasks, automated processes by which a user locates and accesses information resources relevant to help solve an information need

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Camcorder For Professional Film Maker

Information Retrieval Information Retrieval Concept.

When a user raises the need for new information on an issue or matter of interest, is showing a lack, an irregular situation to their mental structures and cognitive skills. Belkin, Oddy and Crofts have spoken of ASK, or "Anomalous State of Knowledge "(Belkin, ODDY and Crofts, 1982), a mental state of uncertainty that drives the individual to develop a series of actions to get out of that state. Ingwersen suggests the existence of a personal problem of space" problem space "( Ingwersen, 1992), the difference between the current state of knowledge of the user, and the state that would be needed to solve some kind of need raised. The answer to this type of situation is a set of activities that the individual to exit rogue state, or to solve the problem of space activities that are closely related to the acquisition of new information , and the relevant communication process.

The recovery information is the set of tasks through which the user locates and accesses information resources that are relevant to the resolution of the problem. In these tasks play a key role documentary languages, techniques, summary, description of the document object, etc.. (CROFT, 1987) All these factors have already been treated exhaustively by the literature, so it is not necessary to dwell on them here. However, if you need to remember, as stated in the introduction, that the computerization of these tasks is included within the Automated Documentation field of Computer Documentary or . Process

generic information retrieval

In principle, the retrieval includes actions to identify, select and access to information resources useful to the user, without prejudice to other meanings of the concept, which can be deepened by using the relevant literature (Robertson, 1977). As can be deduced from the previous chapter, the documentary subject is organized and represented, using a set of rules and conventions, in a computer, by designing, creating and maintaining databases (Rijsbergen, 1979). The next logical phase is the recovery of their content, according to criteria of relevance. In the field of automated documentation, the information retrieval take the form of access, selection and operation of databases, using different techniques.

The approach to information retrieval (Information Retrieval, IR), in its modern concept and discussion, we must sought in the implementation of the Cranfield tests (ELLIS, 1990: 1-17), and the literature generated since that time and referred to the most appropriate mechanisms to extract from a set of documents, those that were relevant to a need information given. The characteristics of real world entities and the treatment they are submitted, provide the same representation of a degree of uncertainty. That is, the documentation process, no matter how high you can reach perfection, always introduces a factor of distortion in the representation of the document. Assuming that access to the document is almost entirely using this representation as intermediaries, can be deduced that the mechanisms underlying the IR is not perfect, but they will be influenced by this factor, regardless of their technical validity.

has been Blair (BLAIR, 1990: 2-4) who has summarized the difference between "data retrieval" (data recovery, RD) and "information retrieval" (information retrieval, RI), using as criteria the following questions :

1. Depending on how you answer the question: in the DR are used highly formalized questions whose answer is directly the desired information. In RI questions are difficult to move to a standardized language, and the response is a set of documents that can contain only probably desired, with an obvious factor of indeterminacy.
2. According to the formal relationship between the system and user satisfaction: the DR is deterministic relationship between the question and satisfaction. RI is probabilistic, because the level of uncertainty in the response.
3. Using the criterion of success: RD criterion to use is the correctness and accuracy, while in IR the only criterion of value is the user satisfaction, based on personal opinion helpful.
4. According to the speed of response: RD depends on the hardware and the perfection of search algorithm and index. RI depends on the decisions and actions of the user during the interrogation process.

this author has pointed out the importance, sometimes ignored, which is the predictor. Prediction by the user, it must sense, in many cases, the terms have been used to represent the contents of the documents, regardless of the presence of terminological control mechanisms. This criterion of prediction is one of the elements that play a fundamental role in the complex process of information retrieval .