After several months of drying out completely, it seems that car sales are starting to move. The arrival of good weather and, especially, plans to encourage the purchase offered by the government, state government and manufacturers begin to move the market. Many are those who, after stretching the old to the absolute limits, we will see the need to change cars.

However, there is a little known alternative: Autogas. What is? Very simple: automobile fuel ceases to be petrol or diesel and becomes Liquefied Petroleum Gas, better known by its initials LPG.

Here in Spain is practically unknown, but it is the third most consumed fuel in the world, with nearly 13 million vehicles adapted for use , and of these, seven million roll on European roads.
"Advantages? Enough. For starters, your price: 45 cents a liter, less than half the gas! (although it should be noted that consumes a little more, about 10-11%).
further advantage that its emissions are considerable: a 15% less carbon dioxide (CO2) and reduced by 95% of nitrogen oxides (NOx) . Also released no particles like those emitted by diesel engines, which are carcinogenic. In return, if it produces more carbon monoxide (CO) a traditional engine.
drawback? Two in particular. The first is that there are few service stations that dispense gas, there are currently only 33, but this year it will open another 30. However, this will change quickly, as if they roll today on English roads 3,000 vehicles fueled with LPG, is expected that by 2012 this figure to reach the 60,000 (Italy circulate 1.5 million cars Autogas, France 200,000, another 180,000 in the UK and 150,000 in Germany).
The other drawback is the preparation of the car : must be adapted to use Autogas. If we buy the new car, and there are some brands that offer fully adapted their models as Chevrolet.
But this should not pose any dilemma: any petrol vehicle (either new or used) may be adapted to use gas. The transformation is essentially the addition of an additional deposit from 70 liters, but only filled to 80% or 57 liters, which takes the place of the spare wheel (if no other site available) and an expansion valve and replacing some hoses, because the gas is more corrosive than gasoline.

There are even manufacturers like Volvo that cars sold in some countries have already integrated gas deposits, keeping the fuel, thereby having a range of more than 1,000 kilometers. To switch from one fuel to another, simply click a button even in full swing!