Saturday, April 25, 2009

How Many Floors Does The Treasure Island

Save $ 100 per year in detergents and softeners

For over 100 years in Western countries, the only advances in cleaning and washing our clothes have come from the hand of the chemical industry: detergents and softeners increasingly powerful to leave our clothes cleaner and shiny. However, not everyone has been so: in the eastern countries have been studied and obtained better results with the application of negative ions with great power, antibacterial and disinfectant. So, instead of chemical means have been developed by physical means.

all know the "nuts washing" Indian. The fruits of the tree "Sapindus Mukorossis" replace perfectly within the traditional laundry detergents. However, its massive use is causing massive deforestation in several countries.

long time now hear of the "magic balls" washing. some plastic balls loaded into the interior of natural ceramics and magnets of the advertising promises, placed inside the drum of the washing machine, replace the detergent and fabric softener. Ecomadres
Since we did not want to talk about them to have been fully tested and the result, after more than a month of use, there can be more satisfying: not one ounce of soap or fabric softener and laundry is clean and without odor.

's not magic, but is developed within the drum a very simple physical process: negative ions break up the combinations of hydrogen from water molecules (neither more nor less than what cause detergents) giving the water a great ability to penetrate and weaken the adherence of dirt and increasing washing power.

Okay, let's not scientific rolls. What are the benefits?
- For starters, disappear allergic risks that some people have a detergent residue that can not go on clothes after washing.
- To remove chlorine from the water gets to clothes will not fade and maintain the elasticity .
- Ending the obstructions that cause detergents in the pipeline.
- not litter our rivers, lakes and seas .

- repurchase No detergents or fabric softeners. Currently, every wash we assumed a cost of between 25 and 30 cents, according to the detergent and fabric softener to buy. Assuming we put the washing machine once a day, after year we will have saved over a hundred euros . The effectiveness of the ball is about four years , so when we got rid of it will we save a few hundred euros . Not bad when you consider its price around 30 euros!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Yamaha Receiver Hdmi No Sound

Save with white markings and the "super" cheaper

purchases products food, drugstore and grooming take an important part of our monthly budget. In these times of crisis, stretch out the life of our vehicle, we will not wear the latest fashion or we will not go to dinner with friends, but we can hardly escape buy these staples . Therefore, finding the best price is essential to make ends meet without suffering strain.

bombard us daily through advertising, with all sorts of deals. But where can we go to really save?
According to the second wave of data from the Observatory of Retail Prices, for the first quarter, the ranking teach pricing gives the following ranking: cheaper prices as a whole, can be found in Alimerka chains and spare me, followed by Mercadona . The classification continues with Maxi-Day, Carrefour, Supersol, Sabeco, Carrefour Express, Eroski Eroski Caprabo and -center, the highest being those found in Supercor, Hipercor and El Corte Ingles.

And do not believe that the differences are small: in the supply of foodstuffs between the various channels prices may vary up to 31% . On packaged food, the differences ranging between 13% and 45% and in the case of fresh produce, the price changes reach 69% in fruits and vegetables, fish 59% and 48% in meat . As you can see, the differences can be vast.
Also important is the price difference as in the city where you live: there is a difference of up to 18% in the basket of food between l as cities with the lowest prices (Avila, Orense and Teruel) and cities with the highest prices (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, San Sebastian and Gerona).

Another way savings, which you all know, is buying the called "brand". Price differences with traditional brands can easily exceed 30% . However, a large proportion of the population remains wary of these products, especially because know who are the manufacturers of the items . Some retail chains include clearly on the packaging of its products who is the manufacturer, but others just put the CIF or medical record number from your provider, causing a clear distrust among the buyers.
Personally, only buy brands in clearly showing who has made article, but if you should buy additional price in which is not listed, you can find out who manufactured it in consulting.
References in this directory are collated on the Web English Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition , as an agency under the Ministry of Health and you can find two types of classifications: one with major distributors to the references sold in alphabetical order with the manufacturer of each and another with a list of brands that do not manufacture for others.
Also, for those who doubt the quality of the second brand, we can find a list of secondary brands packaged identical to the first brands offered.

Finally, a simple mathematical calculation: 3X2 by offering a 33% saving us with the "2 nd unit at half price" savings is 25% . However, there is always advisable to first, because it forces us to buy more and spend more money at once and thus may interfere with the monthly budget.
By the way, if you have to buy on credit and overdraft interest is great, forget this kind of offers, because in the end, you will be much more expensive.

As experts say, the best way to save is to buy the offers that appear in each supermarket chain, but only offers . The downside of this system is that you can take all day and nobody buying spare time.

What I recommend is that if we do not spend too much gasoline in the movement to go shopping. Apart from the prejudice caused to the environment, what is the point save two euros on the purchase if we have to move twenty miles to do it?
Also remember that, whenever possible, buy products from nearby your home. In its transport be contaminated mucho menos que si viene de la otra parte del mundo.