Do you belong to that 55% of households with two or more cars? If so, consider this question bags "really out of that second car?

The study shows that more than half of these "second cars" barely made daily rounds of seven or eight miles and not daily. Ie difficult to go 3,000 kilometers per year.

But you know what it costs the "comfort"? Let's do some simple numbers on the basis that the second car is small to medium:
Security: 350 euros. Registration tax: 150 euros. Fuel: 270 euros. Other (minor repairs, MOT, oil changes, tires, etc..): 400 euros. Total 1,170 euros. But watch out! it does not end there. A car loses value every year and if we think again may be worth about 15,000 euros and has an average of about ten years, the depreciation is € 1,500 per year .
All these figures, as you can see, are approximate. If the car lasts you more than ten years in good condition, congratulations!, The cost of depreciation will be lower.
Security: 350 euros. Registration tax: 150 euros. Fuel: 270 euros. Other (minor repairs, MOT, oil changes, tires, etc..): 400 euros. Total 1,170 euros. But watch out! it does not end there. A car loses value every year and if we think again may be worth about 15,000 euros and has an average of about ten years, the depreciation is € 1,500 per year .
All these figures, as you can see, are approximate. If the car lasts you more than ten years in good condition, congratulations!, The cost of depreciation will be lower.
here do not count the costs that may arise if to buy the car you need to ask for a loan (they do 80% of buyers) or if you have had to rent (or buy) a garage . In the case of rent, 50 euros per month you do not remove them no.
not count the payments system ORA the money we spent on the public parking fines or possible that we may fall.

I still think that the second vehicle is necessary?
"Alternatives? Many and varied. You know how healthy (and cheaper) than it is walking. Nor can we rule out the use of bicycles or skateboards. But if these three solutions are not possible, use public transport is generally faster than the private car apart much cheaper and without headaches. even use a taxi whenever we need it cheaper than having your own car.

Another day talk about the health benefits (and for the extra kilos) who reported walking, cycling or climbing stairs. It is amazing.